270 відділ імітаційного моделювання бойових дій СВ ЗСУ

270th Mobile Simulation Training Group of Ukrainian Land Forces


Our partners

З ініціативи компанії “Cubic Applications” щодо надання дорадчої допомоги у галузі імітаційного моделювання, у рамках контракту UP-B-UBG “ Про створення мобільної компоненти імітаційного моделювання ” , створено 270 відділ імітаційного моделювання бойових дій СВ ЗС України.
They supported us - Вони нам допомагали

Charles Stibrany

Blain Goin


What a great job that you have done. Looks great and I know that you must have put in a lot of hours on this.

Take care and thanks for sending it to me. Makes me homesick to come back to Kiev.

My very best wishes for you, the team, and your families.


Dave Lefaivre

"...You have a wonderful team. It was really my pleasure to work with you and all the other people on the MSTG . Your website is wonderful. It shows the pride and professionalism of all the officers involved. Keep up the good work for the Ukraine.

Terry Mills

"...Excellent site, well done! A big Hooah for you and the team. ...I miss you and the team, the BEST in the world... Cheers, Terry"

Craig Hone

Christian Wink

"This is excellent!!!
How are you guys doing. If you ever need a friend or some wisdom, I am always here.

John Felan

"...I wish all of the Officers and families from MSTG the very best for the Holidays.
Johnnie Felan
converse, Texas"

John Tamez

"My Great Spartan Ukrainian Soldiers!!

I was soooo proud to have been part of your great professional team. We enjoyed so many victories on the "electronic" battlefield! The post battle parties were great too and never will be forgotten.

Thank you all so much for all the memories and GREAT TIMES!

I Salute You All!


Dolf Carlson

John Markowicz

"...What a great idea! I have already bookmarked the site."

Thank you very much!!!!

© MSTG270

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