270 відділ імітаційного моделювання бойових дій СВ ЗСУ

270th Mobile Simulation Training Group of Ukrainian Land Forces



Beginnings. The 270th Mobile Simulations Training Group, commonly known as the MSTG, was founded in September 2007 with the assistance of Cubic Applications Inc. and the US Government.
Concept. The plan was to construct a 15-man group of Ukrainian Army officers broken down into two 7-man teams, managed by one director. This group, equipped with vans and mobile laptops/servers, would be able to travel anywhere in Ukraine and conduct two JCATS exercises simultaneously.
Personnel. Currently the team is operating at 12 of 15 authorized officer strength. All personnel have had English language training and real-life tactical unit experience with NATO forces.
Location. The group was initially trained at the National Defense Univercity’s Battle Staff Training Center in Kyiv. We currently reside at the Land Forces Headquarters and work there when not on deployment.

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